
Eudialyte: the radioactive heartstone

Eudialyte is a rare, red silicate mineral, which forms in alkaline igneous rocks, such as nepheline syenites. It was first discovered in 1819 as a part of the nepheline syenite in the southwest of Greenland. It is usually just a component of other rocks, and it is considered to be a potential source of zirconium in the future. It belongs to the eudialyte group minerals. Its name comes from the Greek phrase “eu dialytos”, meaning well decomposable. The name is also associated with its hardness ranging from 5.0 to 5.5, making Eudialyte not durable.

In which colours does Eudialyte occur?

Eudialyte’s colour ranges from red, magenta and pink to a brownish-red or yellowish-brown colour. It can even change to green colour with inclusions of black tourmaline. Deep red coloured Eudialytes are usually cut and shaped into cabochons. Cutting Eudialytes into various carved objects, such as spheres is also popular and often used in jewellery. The intense carmine coloured Eudialyte has been nicknamed “dragons blood” by Russian gemstone sellers.

The source of Eudialyte and other igneous minerals

Nowadays, the majority of this unusual mineral sold on the market come from the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia. This region produces over three hundred other minerals, many of them being other rare earth elements. Those rare minerals can be zirconium, beryllium, strontium, thorium and other rare earth elements. It is also one of a few places on Earth to offer other igneous minerals. Eudialyte can be also found in Quebec, Madagascar, Arkansas and Norway.

Healing properties and physical energy of Eudialyte

Due to Eudialyte’s connection to unconditional love, self-love and heart chakra, it slowly received the “The stone of heartland” nickname. Eudialyte is a powerful stone full of positive vibrations that banishes negative emotions. It makes you forget any pessimistic feelings and focus only on the good, so it’s great for fighting depression. It is one of the best healing crystals that make emotional healing more efficient and fast.

Eudialyte increases the feeling of self-worth and self-confidence while reassuring you of your life path and the meaning of your life. It is an excellent stone for encouraging you to leave what’s making you feel bad behind and focus on new positive things that can bring you happiness. It helps replace feelings of despair with feelings of joy and satisfaction.

Taking care of Eudialyte jewellery

Due to the hardness of 5.0 to 5.5, the Eudialyte gemstone should have some protection from possible scratches and damage. Wearing a Eudialyte ring on a daily basis can damage the stone fast and make your ring look dull and lifeless. Also, it is best to clean your Eudialyte with warm water and mild cleaning detergent due to its solubility in acids.

Eudialytes are mildly radioactive but don’t worry – pieces under 5 carats or 1 gram should not be a risk to your health. On the other hand, holding a much bigger piece of 1kg would expose you to 2.40mREM per hour. Even though small Eudialyte jewellery is completely safe to people, even the slightest radiation can damage your other gemstones. Keep your Eudialytes gems separated from other gems since the radiation can fade their colour and damage them.

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