Hublot has launched the third generation of its iconic Big Bang connected watch, limited to a 200-piece edition and featuring the legendary blue of the UEFA Champions League. Five years on from the debut of Hublot’s first connected watch, this digital era timepiece boasts an enhanced, large high-definition screen, allowing wearers to immerse themselves in every moment of the match.
As soon as the match begins, the watch automatically enters “match mode”. A countdown starts 15 minutes before kick-off, providing line-up information. Throughout the match, wearers can track half-times, additional time, goals scored (complete with official Adidas matchball animation and player’s name), yellow and red cards, and goal attempts. The watch follows the entire match, right up to the final score.
For those who missed the action, a replay mode allows the wearer to revisit key moments by scrolling with the crown. This innovative timepiece puts football fans right at the heart of the action.