Tsavorite stone is a rare gemstone of Grossular Garnet family and is acknowledged as “the king of Garnets”. Tsavorite gemstone comes in pretty and deep green shades including intense forest-green, crisp green, and vivid bluish-green.
When we talk about the tsavorite meaning, Tsavorite is known as the stone of vigor, energy, benevolence, and compassion. After wearing this precious gemstone, a person can discover his/her inner beauty and can identify the beauty of other people.
Nowadays, the tsavorite ring is popular in the jewellery market and people are buying green garnet due to its extraordinary properties. It is also known as dark green emerald coloured garnet because it is like an emerald.

Where is Tsavorite Green Garnet found?
Campbell R. Bridges, one of the world-renowned Scottish Geologists discovered Tsavorite stone in Tanzania in 1967. After that, he found a second deposit of this precious gemstone in the Tsavo region of Kenya in 1971.
Tsavorites are the most expensive, more brilliant, and durable stones as compared to other gemstones. According to the jewellery association report, this stone can command up to $8,000 per carat.

It is made with silicon and the amount of minerals vanadium and chromium oxide present in the stone gives green shade to the gemstone. It looks more pretty in daylight and comes in numerous cuts like round, pear-shaped mix cut, and oval cut. If you are born in January month, then you can wear the tsavorite ring because this is the birthstone for January month.
Healing Properties of Tsavorite Green Garnet
Do you want to know more about Tsavorite stone? Here is the list of healing properties of green garnet. Let’s take a look-
- Being a more brilliant stone, it helps in supporting the cellular regeneration process of the body and also recovers illness and emotional anxiety. This stone treats skin inflammations, regulates metabolism, detoxify the body, and prevent ailments like arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
- Tsavorite gemstone is called as a Spiritual Healer. This stone gives a religious connection to the wearer with the divine and helps the wearer to face the entire stages of his life.
- From ancient times, it is believed that Tsavorite green garnet stone heals the heart chakra and offers spiritual healing as well. Every individual is familiar with the fact that the heart chakra is responsible for entire emotions, feelings, and expressions of a human.
The green garnet stone is highly known for cleaning and rebalancing the heart chakra by making the person familiar with upcoming challenges, ups, and downs in life. So, wear a tsavorite ring for prosperity in your life.
Types of Other Garnets
There are various types of Garnets available in the jewellery market including Pyrope, Almandine, etc.
Let’s know more about Pyrope and Almandine.
Almandine Garnet
It is one of the most popular stones in the family of Green Garnet gemstones. Over the last few decades, it was rare to find this gemstone in the international gem markets.
It comes in a wide range of brownish-red, orangey-red and purplish-red colour. This stone was found in the town of Alabanda, located in Caria. This stone is used in all types of jewellery pieces and is affordable, durable, and hard.
Pyrope garnet
Pyrope is pure and is another popular red garnet. It is made with a combination of magnesium and aluminum. The colour of this stone ranges from pale rose red, deep indigo, violet, to shades of scarlet.
Pyrope gemstone is a stone of power and courage. If you want productivity in your business, then you can buy Pyrope Jewellery pieces like Pyrope Ring. Being the stabilizing stone in the garnet family, it promotes quality of life.